join new jersey immunization network




The mission of the New Jersey Immunization Network

The mission of the New Jersey Immunization Network is to protect the health of all individuals through timely, age-appropriate immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases by educating
the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers about vaccine safety and benefits.

The New Jersey Immunization Network is a joint initiative led by the NJ Chapter (NJAAP), American Academy of Pediatrics, and New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians (NJAFP). It is a statewide coalition with members representing public and private entities.

By submitting this application you agree to be sent 2 monthly newsletters every month that NJIN staff send to our members. The NJIN monthly newsletter, which provides updates on NJIN business as well as a collection of popular media articles related to vaccines and immunizations, and the I Raise the Rates (IRtR) newsletter, which is funded by the American College of Physicians (ACP) provides physicians and medical professionals new toolkits and resources on immunization/vaccines, are distributed at the end of each month. You are able to unsubscribe from these newsletters at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the newsletter.
As a member of the New Jersey Immunization Network (NJIN), I agree to actively support the network's mission. I recognize that this application will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and that I will be asked to update my information annually. Voting and officer privileges take effect six months after the acceptance of my membership application.